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A lot of musical stuff, some funny stuff, some educational stuff, and some opinionated stuff by T. Munson Shepherd.
Think Tosh.0 meets Don Kirshner's Rock Concert,We've got all kinds of stuff to read and watch. It's all free and it's all for you to enjoy.
T. Munson Shepherd...
"A man for our times whose sole purpose is to hold our elected and appointed "leaders" accountable for their bullshit." - Anonymous afraid. Be very AFRAID!
Music Education & Lessons for wannabe's young and old alike...
HEY!!! You're middle aged, soft, and feeling sorry for yourself. Chicks don't dig you anymore, if they ever did. So it's time to rethink the musical fantasies you paved over with marriage and children long ago. Musical Therapy in the comfort of your own home lovingly applied by friends that will reclaim your young mind at least, as we teach you how to play your favorite songs or album sides for exhibition and personal glory. Just set a date and we'll teach you what you need to know. Some musical genes helpful.
Musical recommendation of the month: Kal David...
Compare your favorite versions of Sweet Home Chicago. I like Foghat's. Gary The Bass Player likes the Blues Brothers version.
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